Hard Mode

Validation & Discipline with Cartelux

Episode Summary

Welcome to Hard Mode featuring Cartelux Founder & CEO Joshua Williams. Cartelux is on a mission to shape the future of retail marketing. They empower local area marketers to run digital campaigns in the most time efficient, cost efficient and brand compliant fashion possible, and have found particular product market fit within the automative industry. Discussed in this episode is solving niche problems, pivoting from a good business model to embrace risk, transitioning to a global tech company, Josh’s permanent move from California to Australia and more. Great chat! This episode is hosted by Tractor Ventures Entrepreneur in Residence, Noga Edelstein.

Episode Notes

Welcome to Hard Mode with Joshua Williams, Founder & CEO of Cartelux. The Cartelux story is fascinating - they are shaping the future of retail marketing, empowering local area marketers to run digital campaigns in the most time efficient, cost efficient and brand compliant fashion possible, and have found particular product market fit within the automative industry.

Discussed in this episode is Josh's approach to solving niche problems, the challenge and discipline required to pivot from a good, working business model to embrace risk in transitioning to a global tech company. Josh permanently moved from California to Australia and continues to grow Cartelux's global trajectory. Great chat!

Talking points:


Online: https://cartelux.com/

Twitter: @Cartelux

Follow Tractor Ventures on Twitter: @tractorventures

This episode was hosted by Tractor Ventures Entrepreneur in Residence Noga Edelstein: @nogsE