Hard Mode

Tipping Point with Seedooh

Episode Summary

Welcome to Hard Mode featuring Seedooh Founder & CEO Tom Richter. Seedooh is a fully automated, data-led Independent Verification Platform for public space advertising campaign reporting - the first of its kind. They’re committed to helping Australia develop a new industry standard in campaign playout reporting and they’re actively scaling into other highly-developed global markets. Discussed in this episode is taking a sector-wide approach to big data, the changing face of advertising attribution and how Seedooh evolved from consultancy in the early days to a platform that is the first of its kind. This episode is hosted by Tractor Ventures Co-Founder & Co-CEO Matt Allen.

Episode Notes

Welcome to this episode of Hard Mode featuring Seedooh Founder & CEO Tom Richter in conversation with Tractor Ventures Co-Founder and Co-CEO Matt Allen.

Seedooh is a fully automated, data-led Independent Verification Platform for public space advertising campaign reporting - the first of its kind. They’re committed to helping Australia develop a new industry standard in campaign playout reporting and they’re actively scaling into other highly-developed global markets.

Discussed in this episode is Advertising Technology trends, taking a sector-wide approach to big data, the changing face of advertising attribution and how Seedooh evolved in the early days from consultancy to a platform.

Talking points:


Online: www.seedooh.com

Twitter: @SeedoohPlatform

Follow Tractor Ventures on Twitter: @tractorventures

This episode was hosted by Tractor Ventures Co-Founder & Co-CEO Matt Allen: @mattallen