Hard Mode

Language & Business Growth with The English Farm

Episode Summary

Welcome to Hard Mode featuring The English Farm Founder Matthew Radich. The English Farm was created by teachers to be the best place on the Internet to learn English - They’re a community of more than 120 teachers, based all around the world, with Matthew himself residing in Auckland New Zealand. During the podcast chat with Tractor Head of Engagement Garry Williams, Matthew dives into the origins of starting The English Farm in Japan and Brazil, new Māori language focussed business streams and the importance of people, especially with a workforce based all around the world.

Episode Notes

Welcome to this episode of Hard Mode featuring The English Farm Founder Matthew Radich.

The English Farm was created by teachers to be the best place on the Internet to learn English - They’re a community of more than 120 teachers, based all around the world, with Matthew himself residing in Auckland New Zealand.

During the podcast chat with Tractor Head of Engagement Garry Williams, Matthew dives into the origins of starting The English Farm in Japan and Brazil, new Māori language focussed business streams and the importance of people, especially with a workforce based all around the world.

Talking points:



Facebook: @theenglishfarm


Follow Tractor Ventures on Twitter: @tractorventures

This episode was hosted by Garry Williams: @gwilliamsALTS